diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9635a49..f171f93 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ The primary focus of this list is to provide alternatives that prioritize privac - [FossDroid](https://fossdroid.com/) - Fossdroid's aim is to promote free and open source apps on the Android platform: newest, trendiest and the most popular ones. - [SkyDroid](https://skydroid.app/) - Decentralized App Store for Android - [Obtainium](https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium) - Get app updates directly from the source. +- [Accrescent](https://github.com/accrescent/accrescent) - A novel Android app store focused on security, privacy, and usability. ### Alternative Google Play Store clients - [Aurora Store](https://auroraoss.com/download/#aurora-store) - Aurora Store is an open-source alternative Google Play Store frontend client with privacy and modern design in mind. @@ -642,6 +643,7 @@ With email aliases, you can finally create a different identity for each website - [Nuclear](https://nuclear.js.org/) - Modern music player focused on streaming from free sources. - [Navidrome](https://navidrome.org/) - Lightweight, fast and self-contained personal music streamer. - [BlackHole](https://github.com/Sangwan5688/BlackHole) - A Music Player App made with Flutter +- [mucke](https://github.com/moritz-weber/mucke) - A music player for local files with unique custom playback options. **Spotify alternative clients** > These clients, although will have less tracking, still DO NOT protect your privacy at all as you will still be streaming from Spotify servers from you own **premium (paid, identified)** account. @@ -1056,6 +1058,7 @@ Odysee website contains some trackers and is a heavy site. You can use these alt - [FreeTube](https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube) - FreeTube is an open source desktop YouTube player built with privacy in mind. (Uses Local RSS API or Invidious for backend). - [LibreTube](https://github.com/Libre-tube/LibreTube) - An alternative frontend for YouTube, for Android using Piped. - [Yattee](https://github.com/yattee/yattee) - Alternative YouTube frontend for iOS, tvOS and macOS built with Invidious and Piped. +- [Clipious](https://github.com/lamarios/clipious) Invidious client for android ### TikTok