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layout title description subtitle cover
page Finance Some financial information about NixNet Some financial information about NixNet /assets/pages/finance.png


DNS Servers & Tor exits

I have three servers running a Tor exit and a recursive DNS resolver each. These are $3.50/mo from BuyVM (Slice 1024)

Total: $10.50/mo

Status Page

The status page is running on Slice 512 from BuyVM and it costs from $2.00/mo


My main server running everything else is the 2000 G8 VPS from netcup GmbH.

Total: ~$20.34/mo*

Overall: ~$32.84/mo


Everything else will remain the same.


I would like to run my own email and offer it to users. However, this would be on a separate server to minimise risk of downtime when something goes wrong on another. I would likely run it on a Slice 1024 in Luxembourg if I did.

Total: $3.50/mo


Postal is an open source alternative to Mailgun, SendGrid, Postmark, etc. It's a mail server meant for use by websites, applications, developers, etc. I want to host this for people so they can stop using the proprietary and intrusive solutions listed above. Postal would run on a separate server from the rest as well, Slice 1024 in Luxembourg.

Total: 3.50/mo

Overall: ~$40.18/mo

* Note that the price is an approximation. Converting EUR to USD isn't exact and comes with extra fees. The conversion rate could change though it isn't likely to be by very much.