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home Contact Where to find us Various ways to contact us /assets/pages/contact.png /contact/

As NixNet grows, it becomes more difficult to manage all the different communication channels and issues and support requests and such. Because of that, I've set up an open source ticketing system called Zammad. If you have any issues, create an account on my instance or shoot an email to

Though IRC is preferred, there are a couple of ways to join the NixNet community.

  • IRC: #nixnet on NixNet's IRC server (also on Libera)
  • Telegram: @NixNetChat
  • Matrix:
  • XMPP:

If you need to communicate in a secure manner, GPG-encrypted email will always be available. Amolith's address is and his GPG key can be downloaded at amolith.txt. Manton's address is and his GPG key is available at manton.txt