.config/systemd/user | ||
etc/systemd/user | ||
usr/local/bin | ||
readme.md | ||
screen_shield.md |
A light weight script to automatically set and rotate through computer desktop wallpaper. Desktop wallpaper rotation is based upon a set duration (default, 1 minute). Wallpaper is randomly selected and defaults to look for wallpaper from the user's home directory under "Pictures/wallpaper/" (e.g. "/home/adam/Pictures/wallpaper").
Note: Verified to work on Arch Linux with GNOME v3.14 to v42.
- Have experienced working knowledge within a CLI (command-line interface)
- Understanding of Linux operating system
- Installed all required dependencies as stated in Dependency Requirements section
- Installation is done via Linux CLI
- Steps prefixed with a "$" (dollar sign) represents the CLI prompt
- Steps prefixed with a "#" (number sign) represents the CLI prompt with elevated user permissions (e.g. root)
- The text after the "$" or "#" is to be entered at the CLI
- The installation instructions are an example of installation and configuration
Dependency Requirements
- BASH v5+
- Git v2+
- GNOME v3.14+
- Clone the project.
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/adouglas/wallpaperctl.git
- Change to project directory.
$ cd wallpaperctl
- Install Systemd unit files.
# cp etc/systemd/user/wallpaperctl.* /etc/systemd/user/
- Install script file.
# cp usr/local/bin/wallpaperctl /usr/local/bin/
- Reload the systemd configuration.
# systemctl daemon-reload
- Set execute permission.
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wallpaperctl
- Enable the Systemd timer.
$ systemctl --user enable wallpaperctl.timer
- Verify the timer is enabled.
$ systemctl --user list-unit-files
wallpaperctl.service disabled
wallpaperctl.timer enabled
2 unit files listed.
- Start the Systemd timer.
$ systemctl --user start wallpaperctl.timer
- Verify the timer has been started.
$ systemctl --user list-timers
Thu 2016-03-10 18:49:00 CST 1s left Thu 2016-03-10 18:48:56 CST 1s ago wallpaperctl.timer wallpaperctl.service
1 timers listed.
Pass --all to see loaded but inactive timers, too.
Custom Settings
Change Wallpaper Directory
This alteration will set the location of where wallpapers are stored.
- Create the required directories.
$ mkdir ~/.config/systemd ~/.config/systemd/user
- Create the configuration file. Replace "username" with applicable value.
$ nano ~/.config/systemd/user/wallpaperctl.conf
Change Wallpaper Duration
This alteration will set the duration of how long the wallpaper is displayed for until a new wallpaper is set.
- Create the required directories.
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
- Create the configuration file.
$ nano ~/.config/systemd/user/wallpaperctl.timer
Change the OnCalendar value as desired.
Refer to ArchLinux: systemd/Timers for further details. The below example changes the duration interval from 1 minute to 5 minutes.
Description=Wallpaperctl - Systemd GNOME wallpaper changer
Not applicable at this time. Here for future use.
Available picture-options
- none
- wallpaper
- centered
- scaled
- stretched
- zoom
- spanned