This commit is contained in:
Tom Charnock 2022-09-09 07:19:12 +00:00
commit e75eafcb34
1 changed files with 260 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void waybar::modules::Battery::refreshBatteries() {
auto adap_defined = config_["adapter"].isString();
if (((adap_defined && dir_name == config_["adapter"].asString()) || !adap_defined) &&
fs::exists(node.path() / "online")) {
(fs::exists(node.path() / "online") || fs::exists(node.path() / "status"))) {
adapter_ = node.path();
@ -157,122 +157,300 @@ const std::tuple<uint8_t, float, std::string, float> waybar::modules::Battery::g
try {
uint32_t total_power = 0; // μW
bool total_power_exists = false;
uint32_t total_energy = 0; // μWh
bool total_energy_exists = false;
uint32_t total_energy_full = 0;
bool total_energy_full_exists = false;
uint32_t total_energy_full_design = 0;
uint32_t total_capacity{0};
bool total_energy_full_design_exists = false;
uint32_t total_capacity = 0;
bool total_capacity_exists = false;
std::string status = "Unknown";
for (auto const& item : batteries_) {
auto bat = item.first;
uint32_t power_now;
uint32_t energy_full;
uint32_t energy_now;
uint32_t energy_full_design;
uint32_t capacity{0};
std::string _status;
std::getline(std::ifstream(bat / "status"), _status);
// Some battery will report current and charge in μA/μAh.
// Scale these by the voltage to get μW/μWh.
if (fs::exists(bat / "current_now") || fs::exists(bat / "current_avg")) {
uint32_t voltage_now;
uint32_t current_now;
uint32_t charge_now;
uint32_t charge_full;
uint32_t charge_full_design;
// Some batteries have only *_avg, not *_now
if (fs::exists(bat / "voltage_now"))
std::ifstream(bat / "voltage_now") >> voltage_now;
std::ifstream(bat / "voltage_avg") >> voltage_now;
if (fs::exists(bat / "current_now"))
std::ifstream(bat / "current_now") >> current_now;
std::ifstream(bat / "current_avg") >> current_now;
uint32_t capacity = 0;
bool capacity_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "capacity")) {
capacity_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "capacity") >> capacity;
uint32_t current_now = 0;
bool current_now_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "current_now")) {
current_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "current_now") >> current_now;
} else if (fs::exists(bat / "current_avg")) {
current_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "current_avg") >> current_now;
uint32_t voltage_now = 0;
bool voltage_now_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "voltage_now")) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "voltage_now") >> voltage_now;
} else if (fs::exists(bat / "voltage_avg")) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "voltage_avg") >> voltage_now;
uint32_t charge_full = 0;
bool charge_full_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "charge_full")) {
charge_full_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "charge_full") >> charge_full;
uint32_t charge_full_design = 0;
bool charge_full_design_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "charge_full_design")) {
charge_full_design_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "charge_full_design") >> charge_full_design;
if (fs::exists(bat / "charge_now"))
std::ifstream(bat / "charge_now") >> charge_now;
else {
// charge_now is missing on some systems, estimate using capacity.
uint32_t capacity;
std::ifstream(bat / "capacity") >> capacity;
charge_now = (capacity * charge_full) / 100;
power_now = ((uint64_t)current_now * (uint64_t)voltage_now) / 1000000;
energy_now = ((uint64_t)charge_now * (uint64_t)voltage_now) / 1000000;
energy_full = ((uint64_t)charge_full * (uint64_t)voltage_now) / 1000000;
energy_full_design = ((uint64_t)charge_full_design * (uint64_t)voltage_now) / 1000000;
} // Gamepads such as PS Dualshock provide the only capacity
else if (fs::exists(bat / "energy_now") && fs::exists(bat / "energy_full")) {
uint32_t charge_now = 0;
bool charge_now_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "charge_now")) {
charge_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "charge_now") >> charge_now;
uint32_t power_now = 0;
bool power_now_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "power_now")) {
power_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "power_now") >> power_now;
uint32_t energy_now = 0;
bool energy_now_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "energy_now")) {
energy_now_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "energy_now") >> energy_now;
uint32_t energy_full = 0;
bool energy_full_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "energy_full")) {
energy_full_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "energy_full") >> energy_full;
uint32_t energy_full_design = 0;
bool energy_full_design_exists = false;
if (fs::exists(bat / "energy_full_design")) {
energy_full_design_exists = true;
std::ifstream(bat / "energy_full_design") >> energy_full_design;
} else {
std::ifstream(bat / "capacity") >> capacity;
power_now = 0;
energy_now = 0;
energy_full = 0;
energy_full_design = 0;
if (!voltage_now_exists) {
if (power_now_exists && current_now_exists && current_now != 0) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
voltage_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)power_now / (uint64_t)current_now;
} else if (energy_full_design_exists && charge_full_design_exists && charge_full_design != 0) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
voltage_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_full_design / (uint64_t)charge_full_design;
} else if (energy_now_exists) {
if (charge_now_exists && charge_now != 0) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
voltage_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)charge_now;
} else if (capacity_exists && charge_full_exists) {
charge_now_exists = true;
charge_now = (uint64_t)charge_full * (uint64_t)capacity / 100;
if (charge_full != 0 && capacity != 0) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
voltage_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_now * 100 / (uint64_t)charge_full / (uint64_t)capacity;
} else if (energy_full_exists) {
if (charge_full_exists && charge_full != 0) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
voltage_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_full / (uint64_t)charge_full;
} else if (charge_now_exists && capacity_exists) {
if (capacity != 0) {
charge_full_exists = true;
charge_full = 100 * (uint64_t)charge_now / (uint64_t)capacity;
if (charge_now != 0) {
voltage_now_exists = true;
voltage_now = 10000 * (uint64_t)energy_full * (uint64_t)capacity / (uint64_t)charge_now;
if (!capacity_exists) {
if (charge_now_exists && charge_full_exists && charge_full != 0) {
capacity_exists = true;
capacity = 100 * (uint64_t)charge_now / (uint64_t)charge_full;
} else if (energy_now_exists && energy_full_exists && energy_full != 0) {
capacity_exists = true;
capacity = 100 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)energy_full;
} else if (charge_now_exists && energy_full_exists && voltage_now_exists) {
if (!charge_full_exists && voltage_now != 0) {
charge_full_exists = true;
charge_full = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_full / (uint64_t)voltage_now;
if (energy_full != 0) {
capacity_exists = true;
capacity = (uint64_t)charge_now * (uint64_t)voltage_now / 10000 / (uint64_t)energy_full;
} else if (charge_full_exists && energy_now_exists && voltage_now_exists) {
if (!charge_now_exists && voltage_now != 0) {
charge_now_exists = true;
charge_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)voltage_now;
if (voltage_now != 0 && charge_full != 0) {
capacity_exists = true;
capacity = 100 * 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)voltage_now / (uint64_t)charge_full;
if (!energy_now_exists && voltage_now_exists) {
if (charge_now_exists) {
energy_now_exists = true;
energy_now = (uint64_t)charge_now * (uint64_t)voltage_now / 1000000;
} else if (capacity_exists && charge_full_exists) {
charge_now_exists = true;
charge_now = (uint64_t)capacity * (uint64_t)charge_full / 100;
energy_now_exists = true;
energy_now = (uint64_t)voltage_now * (uint64_t)capacity * (uint64_t)charge_full / 1000000 / 100;
} else if (capacity_exists && energy_full) {
if (voltage_now != 0) {
charge_full_exists = true;
charge_full = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_full / (uint64_t)voltage_now;
charge_now_exists = true;
charge_now = (uint64_t)capacity * 10000 * (uint64_t)energy_full / (uint64_t)voltage_now;
energy_now_exists = true;
energy_now = (uint64_t)capacity * (uint64_t)energy_full / 100;
if (!energy_full_exists && voltage_now_exists) {
if (charge_full_exists) {
energy_full_exists = true;
energy_full = (uint64_t)charge_full * (uint64_t)voltage_now / 1000000;
} else if (charge_now_exists && capacity_exists && capacity != 0) {
charge_full_exists = true;
charge_full = 100 * (uint64_t)charge_now / (uint64_t)capacity;
energy_full_exists = true;
energy_full = (uint64_t)charge_now * (uint64_t)voltage_now / (uint64_t)capacity / 10000;
} else if (capacity_exists && energy_now) {
if (voltage_now != 0) {
charge_now_exists = true;
charge_now = 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)voltage_now;
if (capacity != 0) {
energy_full_exists = true;
energy_full = 100 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)capacity;
if (voltage_now != 0) {
charge_full_exists = true;
charge_full = 100 * 1000000 * (uint64_t)energy_now / (uint64_t)voltage_now / (uint64_t)capacity;
if (!power_now_exists && voltage_now_exists && current_now_exists) {
power_now_exists = true;
power_now = (uint64_t)voltage_now * (uint64_t)current_now / 1000000;
if (!energy_full_design_exists && voltage_now_exists && charge_full_design_exists) {
energy_full_design_exists = true;
energy_full_design = (uint64_t)voltage_now * (uint64_t)charge_full_design / 1000000;
// Show the "smallest" status among all batteries
if (status_gt(status, _status)) {
if (status_gt(status, _status))
status = _status;
if (power_now_exists) {
total_power_exists = true;
total_power += power_now;
if (energy_now_exists) {
total_energy_exists = true;
total_energy += energy_now;
if (energy_full_exists) {
total_energy_full_exists = true;
total_energy_full += energy_full;
if (energy_full_design_exists) {
total_energy_full_design_exists = true;
total_energy_full_design += energy_full_design;
if (capacity_exists) {
total_capacity_exists = true;
total_capacity += capacity;
total_power += power_now;
total_energy += energy_now;
total_energy_full += energy_full;
total_energy_full_design += energy_full_design;
total_capacity += capacity;
if (!adapter_.empty() && status == "Discharging") {
bool online;
std::string current_status;
std::ifstream(adapter_ / "online") >> online;
if (online) {
std::getline(std::ifstream(adapter_ / "status"), current_status);
if (online && current_status != "Discharging")
status = "Plugged";
float time_remaining = 0;
if (status == "Discharging" && total_power != 0) {
time_remaining = (float)total_energy / total_power;
} else if (status == "Charging" && total_power != 0) {
time_remaining = -(float)(total_energy_full - total_energy) / total_power;
if (time_remaining > 0.0f) {
// If we've turned positive it means the battery is past 100% and so
// just report that as no time remaining
float time_remaining{0.0f};
if (status == "Discharging" && total_power_exists && total_energy_exists) {
if (total_power != 0)
time_remaining = (float)total_energy / total_power;
} else if (status == "Charging" && total_energy_exists && total_energy_full_exists && total_power_exists) {
if (total_power != 0)
time_remaining = -(float)(total_energy_full - total_energy) / total_power;
// If we've turned positive it means the battery is past 100% and so just report that as no time remaining
if (time_remaining > 0.0f)
time_remaining = 0.0f;
float calculated_capacity{0.0f};
if (total_capacity_exists) {
if (total_capacity > 0.0f)
calculated_capacity = (float)total_capacity;
else if (total_energy_full_exists && total_energy_exists) {
if (total_energy_full > 0.0f)
calculated_capacity = ((float)total_energy * 100.0f / (float)total_energy_full);
float capacity{0.0f};
if (total_energy_full > 0.0f) {
capacity = ((float)total_energy * 100.0f / (float)total_energy_full);
} else {
capacity = (float)total_capacity;
// Handle design-capacity
if (config_["design-capacity"].isBool() ? config_["design-capacity"].asBool() : false) {
capacity = ((float)total_energy * 100.0f / (float)total_energy_full_design);
if ((config_["design-capacity"].isBool() ? config_["design-capacity"].asBool() : false) && total_energy_exists && total_energy_full_design_exists) {
if (total_energy_full_design > 0.0f)
calculated_capacity = ((float)total_energy * 100.0f / (float)total_energy_full_design);
// Handle full-at
if (config_["full-at"].isUInt()) {
auto full_at = config_["full-at"].asUInt();
if (full_at < 100) {
capacity = 100.f * capacity / full_at;
if (full_at < 100)
calculated_capacity = 100.f * calculated_capacity / full_at;
if (capacity > 100.f) {
// This can happen when the battery is calibrating and goes above 100%
// Handle it gracefully by clamping at 100%
capacity = 100.f;
uint8_t cap = round(capacity);
if (cap == 100 && status == "Charging") {
// If we've reached 100% just mark as full as some batteries can stay
// stuck reporting they're still charging but not yet done
// Handle it gracefully by clamping at 100%
// This can happen when the battery is calibrating and goes above 100%
if (calculated_capacity > 100.f)
calculated_capacity = 100.f;
uint8_t cap = round(calculated_capacity);
// If we've reached 100% just mark as full as some batteries can stay stuck reporting they're still charging but not yet done
if (cap == 100 && status == "Charging")
status = "Full";
return {cap, time_remaining, status, total_power / 1e6};
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
@ -284,11 +462,13 @@ const std::tuple<uint8_t, float, std::string, float> waybar::modules::Battery::g
const std::string waybar::modules::Battery::getAdapterStatus(uint8_t capacity) const {
if (!adapter_.empty()) {
bool online;
std::string status;
std::ifstream(adapter_ / "online") >> online;
std::getline(std::ifstream(adapter_ / "status"), status);
if (capacity == 100) {
return "Full";
if (online) {
if (online && status != "Discharging") {
return "Plugged";
return "Discharging";