
111 lines
3.6 KiB

#include <cstdlib>
#if __has_include(<catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>)
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_event_listener.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp>
#include "modules/hyprland/backend.hpp"
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace hyprland = waybar::modules::hyprland;
class testRunListener : public Catch::EventListenerBase {
using Catch::EventListenerBase::EventListenerBase;
void testCaseStarting(Catch::TestCaseInfo const&) override {
// TODO: reset state of module here
TEST_CASE("GetSocketFolderTest", "[getSocketFolder]") {
SECTION("XDGRuntimeDirExists") {
// Test case: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR exists and contains "hypr" directory
// Arrange
std::cout << "Starting XDGRuntimeDirExists " << '\n';
const char* instanceSig = "instance_sig";
fs::path tempDir = fs::temp_directory_path() / "hypr_test/run/user/1000";
std::cout << "Temp dir: " << tempDir << '\n';
fs::path expectedPath = tempDir / "hypr" / instanceSig;
std::cout << "Expected path: " << expectedPath << '\n';
fs::create_directories(tempDir / "hypr" / instanceSig);
setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", tempDir.c_str(), 1);
// Act/*
std::cout << "Getting socket folder" << '\n';
fs::path actualPath = hyprland::getSocketFolder(instanceSig);
// Assert expected result
REQUIRE(actualPath == expectedPath);
// Cleanup
std::cout << "Finishing XDGRuntimeDirExists " << '\n';
// TODO: properly clear state so we can actually test these....
/* SECTION("XDGRuntimeDirDoesNotExist") { */
/* // Test case: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR does not exist */
/* // Arrange */
/* std::cout << "Starting XDGRuntimeDirDoesNotExist " << '\n'; */
/* const char* instanceSig = "instance_sig"; */
/* std::cout << "Current XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: " << getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") << '\n'; */
/* unsetenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); */
/* std::cout << "New XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: " << getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") << '\n'; */
/* // Act */
/* fs::path actualPath = hyprland::getSocketFolder(instanceSig); */
/* // Assert expected result */
/* fs::path expectedPath = fs::path("/tmp") / "hypr" / instanceSig; */
/* REQUIRE(actualPath == expectedPath); */
/* // Cleanup */
/* std::cout << "Finishing XDGRuntimeDirDoesNotExist " << '\n'; */
/* } */
/* SECTION("XDGRuntimeDirExistsNoHyprDir") { */
/* // Test case: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR exists but does not contain "hypr" directory */
/* // Arrange */
/* std::cout << "Starting XDGRuntimeDirExistsNoHyprDir " << '\n'; */
/* const char* instanceSig = "instance_sig"; */
/* fs::path tempDir = fs::temp_directory_path() / "hypr_test/run/user/1000"; */
/* std::cout << "Temp dir: " << tempDir << '\n'; */
/* fs::create_directories(tempDir); */
/* setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", tempDir.c_str(), 1); */
/* std::cout << "Current XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: " << getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") << '\n'; */
/* // Act */
/* fs::path actualPath = hyprland::getSocketFolder(instanceSig); */
/* // Assert expected result */
/* fs::path expectedPath = fs::path("/tmp") / "hypr" / instanceSig; */
/* std::cout << "Expected path: " << expectedPath << '\n'; */
/* REQUIRE(actualPath == expectedPath); */
/* // Cleanup */
/* fs::remove_all(tempDir); */
/* std::cout << "Finishing XDGRuntimeDirExistsNoHyprDir " << '\n'; */
/* } */