165 lines
6.3 KiB
165 lines
6.3 KiB
import json
import asyncio
import logging
import traceback
import functools
import yaml
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageIdInvalidError, ChatNotModifiedError
with open('config.yaml') as file:
config_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
api_id = config_data['api_id']
api_hash = config_data['api_hash']
bot_token = config_data.get('bot_token')
bot_admins = config_data['bot_admins']
storage_chat = config_data.get('storage_chat')
storage_msg_id = config_data.get('storage_message_id')
def is_true(string):
string = string.lower()
if string in ('true', 'yes', 'on', 'enable'):
return True
if string in ('false', 'no', 'off', 'disable'):
return False
raise Exception(f'Invalid boolean string: {string}')
async def main():
client = await TelegramClient('acpbot', api_id, api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token)
client.parse_mode = 'html'
if storage_chat and storage_msg_id:
await (await client.get_messages(storage_chat, ids=storage_msg_id)).download_media('acpbot.json')
with open('acpbot.json') as file:
d = json.load(file)
except Exception:
d = {'version': 0, 'chats': dict()}
# chats dict value: {'enabled': bool, 'lastpinned': int, 'deleteservice': bool, 'deletechannel': bool}
uploading_lock = asyncio.Lock()
processing_lock = asyncio.Lock()
chatinit_lock = asyncio.Lock()
processing_chats = dict()
async def write_d():
with open('acpbot.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(d, file)
if storage_chat and storage_msg_id and client.is_connected():
async with uploading_lock:
await client.edit_message(storage_chat, storage_msg_id, file='acpbot.json')
def get_chat_data(chat_id):
chat_id = str(chat_id)
if chat_id not in d['chats']:
d['chats'][chat_id] = {'enabled': False, 'lastpinned': 0, 'deleteservice': False, 'deletechannel': False}
return d['chats'][chat_id]
def error_dec(func):
async def awrapper(e):
await func(e)
except Exception:
to_send = traceback.format_exc()
await e.reply(to_send, parse_mode=None)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Got an exception while sending an exception to %s', e.chat_id)
to_send = traceback.format_exc()
for admin_id in bot_admins:
await e.client.send_message(admin_id, to_send, parse_mode=None)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Got an exception while sending an exception to %s', admin_id)
return awrapper
@client.on(events.NewMessage(bot_admins, pattern='/(?:start|help)'))
async def start_or_help(e):
await e.reply('Prepend "/acp " to your message to use Anti-Channel Pin')
@client.on(events.NewMessage(from_users=bot_admins, pattern='/acp(?:$| (?:start|help))'))
async def acp_start_or_help(e):
await e.reply(('/acp start - /acp help\n'
'/acp help - /acp start\n'
'/acp enable - Enables current chat\n'
'/acp disable - Disables current chat\n'
'/acp service on/off - Enable/Disable deleting service messages\n'
'/acp channel on/off - Enable/Disable deleting channel messages\n'))
@client.on(events.NewMessage(from_users=bot_admins, pattern=r'/acp (service|channel) ([Tt]rue|[Oo](?:n|ff)|[Yy]es|[Nn]o|(?:[Ee]n|[Dd]is)able)'))
async def toggle_sc_setting(e):
turn_on = is_true(e.pattern_match.group(2))
setting = 'delete' + e.pattern_match.group(1)
get_chat_data(e.chat_id)[setting] = turn_on
await e.reply('Setting modified!')
await write_d()
@client.on(events.NewMessage(from_users=bot_admins, pattern=r'/acp ([Tt]rue|[Oo](?:n|ff)|[Yy]es|[Nn]o|(?:[Ee]n|[Dd]is)able)'))
async def toggle_enabled(e):
enable = is_true(e.pattern_match.group(1))
get_chat_data(e.chat_id)['enabled'] = enable
await e.reply('Setting modified!')
await write_d()
async def handle_new_channel_message(e):
if not (
(e.sender_id in (1087968824, 136817688) and e.fwd_from) or
not e.sender_id or
e.sender_id < 0
chat_data = get_chat_data(e.chat_id)
if not chat_data['enabled']:
async with chatinit_lock:
if e.chat_id not in processing_chats:
processing_chats[e.chat_id] = [asyncio.Lock(), set(), True]
write_lock, to_delete, _ = processing_chats[e.chat_id]
processing_chats[e.chat_id][2] = True
to_write = False
async with write_lock:
if chat_data['deletechannel']:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async with write_lock, processing_lock:
if chat_data['lastpinned'] and processing_chats[e.chat_id][2]:
service = await e.client.pin_message(e.chat_id, chat_data['lastpinned'])
if chat_data['deleteservice']:
except MessageIdInvalidError:
chat_data['lastpinned'] = 0
to_write = True
except (ChatNotModifiedError, AttributeError):
processing_chats[e.chat_id][2] = False
if to_delete:
await e.client.delete_messages(e.chat_id, list(to_delete))
if to_write:
await write_d()
async def handle_new_pin_message(e):
if not (e.new_pin or e.unpin):
get_chat_data(e.chat_id)['lastpinned'] = getattr(e.action_message, 'reply_to_msg_id', 0)
await write_d()
await client.run_until_disconnected()
if __name__ == '__main__':