
289 lines
12 KiB

#include <regex>
#include "routes.h"
#include "../blankie/murl.h"
#include "../servehelper.h"
#include "../numberhelper.h"
#include "../pixivclient.h"
static inline Element generate_user_link(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust);
static inline Element generate_images(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust);
static inline Element generate_preview_images(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust);
static inline Nodes parse_description_line(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, std::string str);
static inline Element generate_description(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const std::string& description);
static inline Element generate_illust_tags(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust);
static inline std::string generate_description_text(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, std::string description);
static inline Nodes generate_ogp_nodes(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust, bool preview);
static inline bool is_true(const std::string& str);
static inline std::string time_to_string(time_t time);
static inline std::string proxy_pixiv_url(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, blankie::murl::Url url);
void artworks_route(const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res, const Config& config, PixivClient& pixiv_client) {
uint64_t illust_id = to_ull(req.matches.str(1));
bool preview = is_true(req.get_param_value("preview"));
Illust illust;
try {
illust = pixiv_client.get_illust(illust_id);
} catch (const PixivException& e) {
if (e.status == 404) {
res.status = 404;
serve_error(req, res, config, "404: Illust not found", e.what());
} else {
res.status = 500;
serve_error(req, res, config, "500: Internal server error", "Failed to fetch illust information", e.what());
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
res.status = 500;
serve_error(req, res, config, "500: Internal server error", "Failed to fetch illust information", e.what());
Element body("body", {
Element("h2", {illust.title}),
generate_user_link(req, config, illust),
!preview ? generate_images(req, config, illust) : generate_preview_images(req, config, illust),
if (illust.comment) {
body.nodes.push_back(generate_description(req, config, *illust.comment));
body.nodes.push_back(generate_illust_tags(req, config, illust));
body.nodes.push_back(Element("p", {time_to_string(illust.upload_time)}));
serve(req, res, config, illust.title, std::move(body), generate_ogp_nodes(req, config, illust, preview));
static inline Element generate_user_link(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust) {
std::string profile_picture = proxy_image_url(req, config, illust.user_profile_pictures.thumbnail_or_original().url);
std::string user_link = get_origin(req, config) + "/users/" + std::to_string(illust.user_id);
return Element("a", {{"class", "user_metadata"}, {"href", std::move(user_link)}}, {
Element("img", {{"class", "user_profile_picture small"}, {"loading", "lazy"}, {"src", std::move(profile_picture)}}, {}),
Element("b", {illust.user_display_name})
static inline Element generate_images(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust) {
using namespace std::string_literals;
Element div("div", {{"class", "illust-images"}}, {});
bool show_pages = illust.images.size() > 1;
if (show_pages) {
div.nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"href", "?preview=1"}}, {"Preview Images"}));
div.nodes.reserve(div.nodes.size() + (show_pages ? illust.images.size() * 2 : illust.images.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < illust.images.size(); i++) {
const Images& images = illust.images[i];
const Image& thumbnail = images.thumbnail_or_original();
const Image& original = images.original_or_thumbnail();
std::string id = std::to_string(i + 1);
if (show_pages) {
div.nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"class", "landmark"}, {"href", "#"s + id}}, {id, "/", std::to_string(illust.images.size())}));
Element img("img", {{"loading", "lazy"}, {"id", std::move(id)}, {"src", proxy_image_url(req, config, thumbnail.url)}}, {});
if (thumbnail.size) {
img.attributes.push_back({"width", std::to_string(thumbnail.size->first)});
img.attributes.push_back({"height", std::to_string(thumbnail.size->second)});
div.nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"href", proxy_image_url(req, config, original.url)}}, {
return div;
static inline Element generate_preview_images(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust) {
std::string no_preview_link = get_origin(req, config) + "/artworks/" + std::to_string(illust.illust_id);
Element div("div", {
Element("a", {{"class", "center"}, {"href", no_preview_link}}, {"Go back"}),
Element grid("div", {{"class", "grid"}}, {});
for (size_t i = 0; i < illust.images.size(); i++) {
const Images& images = illust.images[i];
std::string thumbnail = proxy_image_url(req, config, images.thumbnail_or_original(1).url);
std::string link = no_preview_link + '#' + std::to_string(i + 1);
grid.nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"href", std::move(link)}}, {
Element("img", {{"loading", "lazy"}, {"src", std::move(thumbnail)}}, {})
return div;
static inline Nodes parse_description_line(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, std::string str) {
Nodes nodes;
std::smatch sm;
while (std::regex_search(str, sm, blankie::murl::full_url_regex)) {
std::string prefix = sm.prefix();
std::string url_str = sm.str(0);
std::string suffix = sm.suffix();
if (prefix.ends_with('(') && url_str.ends_with(')')) {
suffix.insert(0, 1, ')');
if (!prefix.empty()) {
blankie::murl::Url url(std::move(url_str));
url_str = url.is_host_equal("pixiv.net") || url.is_host_equal("www.pixiv.net")
? proxy_pixiv_url(req, config, std::move(url))
: url.to_string();
nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"href", url_str}}, {url_str}));
str = std::move(suffix);
if (!str.empty()) {
return nodes;
static inline Element generate_description(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const std::string& description) {
Element p("p");
size_t pos = 0;
size_t last_pos = 0;
auto add = [&](std::string str) {
if (!p.nodes.empty()) {
Nodes nodes = parse_description_line(req, config, std::move(str));
p.nodes.insert(p.nodes.end(), nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
while ((pos = description.find('\n', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
add(description.substr(last_pos, pos - last_pos));
last_pos = ++pos;
if (description.size() > last_pos) {
return p;
static inline Element generate_illust_tags(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust) {
Element div("div", {{"class", "illust-tags"}}, {});
if (illust.ai_generated) {
div.nodes.push_back(Element("b", {"AI-Generated "}));
div.nodes.reserve(div.nodes.size() + illust.tags.size());
for (const Tag& i : illust.tags) {
std::string tag = [&]() {
if (i.english) return *i.english;
return i.japanese;
div.nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"href", get_origin(req, config) + "/tags/" + blankie::murl::escape(i.japanese)}}, {
"#", std::move(tag)
return div;
static inline std::string generate_description_text(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, std::string description) {
std::string new_description;
std::smatch sm;
while (std::regex_search(description, sm, blankie::murl::full_url_regex)) {
std::string prefix = sm.prefix();
std::string url_str = sm.str(0);
std::string suffix = sm.suffix();
if (prefix.ends_with('(') && url_str.ends_with(')')) {
suffix.insert(0, 1, ')');
new_description += std::move(prefix);
blankie::murl::Url url(std::move(url_str));
url_str = url.is_host_equal("pixiv.net") || url.is_host_equal("www.pixiv.net")
? proxy_pixiv_url(req, config, std::move(url))
: url.to_string();
new_description += std::move(url_str);
description = std::move(suffix);
new_description += std::move(description);
return new_description;
static inline Nodes generate_ogp_nodes(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust, bool preview) {
std::string url = get_origin(req, config) + "/artworks/" + std::to_string(illust.illust_id);
if (preview) {
url += "?preview=1";
Nodes nodes({
Element("meta", {{"property", "og:title"}, {"content", illust.title}}, {}),
Element("meta", {{"property", "og:type"}, {"content", "photo"}}, {}),
Element("meta", {{"property", "og:site_name"}, {"content", "Pixwhile"}}, {}),
Element("meta", {{"property", "og:url"}, {"content", std::move(url)}}, {})
if (illust.comment) {
nodes.push_back(Element("meta", {{"property", "og:description"}, {"content", generate_description_text(req, config, *illust.comment)}}, {}));
// i don't even know what multiple og:images do anymore
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13424780/facebook-multiple-ogimage-tags-which-is-default
nodes.reserve(nodes.size() + illust.images.size() * 3);
for (const Images& images : illust.images) {
const Image& image = images.thumbnail_or_original();
nodes.push_back(Element("meta", {{"property", "og:image"}, {"content", proxy_image_url(req, config, image.url)}}, {}));
if (image.size) {
nodes.push_back(Element("meta", {{"property", "og:image:width"}, {"content", std::to_string(image.size->first)}}, {}));
nodes.push_back(Element("meta", {{"property", "og:image:height"}, {"content", std::to_string(image.size->second)}}, {}));
return nodes;
static inline bool is_true(const std::string& str) {
return !str.empty() && str != "0" && str != "false" && str != "no";
static inline std::string time_to_string(time_t time) {
struct tm tm;
char str[1024] = {0};
if (!gmtime_r(&time, &tm)) {
return std::to_string(time);
size_t len = strftime(str, 1024, "%F %H:%M:%S %z", &tm);
if (len == 0) {
return std::to_string(time);
return std::string(str, len);
static inline std::string proxy_pixiv_url(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, blankie::murl::Url url) {
if (url.path.size() >= 4 && url.path.starts_with("/en/")) {
url.path.erase(0, 3);
} else if (url.path.size() == 3 && url.path == "/en") {
url.path = '/';
// TODO strip the lang query parameter
return proxy_url(get_origin(req, config), std::move(url));