174 lines
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174 lines
6.1 KiB
#include <regex>
#include "config.h"
#include "pixivmodels.h"
#include "servehelper.h"
static Element generate_pager(const Illusts& illusts, size_t page, const char* id);
static inline Element generate_illusts_grid(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illusts& illusts);
static inline Element generate_illusts_grid_item(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust);
static inline Element generate_illust_badge(const Illust& illust, const std::string& illust_url);
void serve(const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res, const Config& config, std::string title, Element element) {
using namespace std::string_literals;
std::string css_url = get_origin(req, config) + "/style.css";
res.set_header("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'none'; style-src "s + css_url
+ "; img-src https://s.pximg.net " + config.image_proxy_url.get_origin());
Element html("html", {
Element("head", {
Element("meta", {{"charset", "utf-8"}}, {}),
Element("title", {std::move(title)}),
Element("link", {{"rel", "stylesheet"}, {"href", std::move(css_url)}}, {}),
Element("meta", {{"name", "viewport"}, {"content", "width=device-width,initial-scale=1"}}, {})
res.set_content("<!DOCTYPE html>"s + html.serialize(), "text/html");
void serve_error(const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res, const Config& config,
std::string title, std::optional<std::string> subtitle, std::optional<std::string> info) {
Element error_div("div", {{"class", "error"}}, {
Element("h2", {title})
if (subtitle) {
error_div.nodes.push_back(Element("p", {
if (info) {
error_div.nodes.push_back(Element("pre", {
Element("code", {std::move(*info)})
Element body("body", {std::move(error_div)});
serve(req, res, config, std::move(title), std::move(body));
void serve_redirect(const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res, const Config& config, std::string url) {
using namespace std::string_literals;
Element body("body", {
"Redirecting to ",
Element("a", {{"href", url}}, {url}),
serve(req, res, config, "Redirecting to "s + std::move(url) + "…", std::move(body));
std::string get_origin(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config) {
if (req.has_header("X-Canonical-Origin")) {
return req.get_header_value("X-Canonical-Origin");
std::string origin = "http://";
if (req.has_header("Host")) {
origin += req.get_header_value("Host");
} else {
origin += config.bind_host;
if (config.bind_port != 80) {
origin += ':' + std::to_string(config.bind_port);
return origin;
std::string proxy_url(blankie::murl::Url base, blankie::murl::Url url) {
if (!url.path.empty() && url.path[0] != '/') {
base.path += '/';
base.path += blankie::murl::normalize_path(std::move(url.path));
if (!base.query.empty() && !url.query.empty()) {
base.query += '&';
base.query += std::move(url.query);
base.fragment = std::move(url.fragment);
return base.to_string();
std::string proxy_image_url(const Config& config, blankie::murl::Url url) {
if (url.is_host_equal("s.pximg.net")) {
return url.to_string();
return proxy_url(config.image_proxy_url, std::move(url));
Element generate_illusts_pager(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illusts& illusts, size_t page, const char* id) {
return Element("div", {{"id", id}}, {
generate_pager(illusts, page, id),
generate_illusts_grid(req, config, illusts),
generate_pager(illusts, page, id)
static Element generate_pager(const Illusts& illusts, size_t page, const char* id) {
auto link = [&](size_t new_page, const char* text, bool add_link) {
using namespace std::string_literals;
Element b("b");
if (add_link) {
std::string href = "?p="s + std::to_string(new_page) + '#' + id;
b.nodes.push_back(Element("a", {{"href", std::move(href)}}, {text}));
} else {
return b;
return Element("div", {{"class", "center"}}, {
link(1, "First", page != 0), " ",
link(page, "Prev", page != 0), " ",
std::to_string(page + 1), "/", std::to_string(illusts.total_pages), " ",
link(page + 2, "Next", page + 1 < illusts.total_pages), " ",
link(illusts.total_pages, "Last", page + 1 < illusts.total_pages)
static inline Element generate_illusts_grid(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illusts& illusts) {
Element div("div", {{"class", "grid"}}, {});
for (const Illust& i : illusts.illusts) {
div.nodes.push_back(generate_illusts_grid_item(req, config, i));
return div;
static inline Element generate_illusts_grid_item(const httplib::Request& req, const Config& config, const Illust& illust) {
std::string illust_url = get_origin(req, config) + "/artworks/" + std::to_string(illust.illust_id);
std::string image_url = proxy_image_url(config, illust.images[0].thumbnail_or_original(1));
Element div("div", {{"class", "illustsgriditem"}}, {
Element("a", {{"href", illust_url}}, {
Element("img", {{"loading", "lazy"}, {"src", std::move(image_url)}}, {}),
Element("p", {illust.title})
if (illust.page_count > 1) {
div.nodes.push_back(generate_illust_badge(illust, std::move(illust_url)));
return div;
static inline Element generate_illust_badge(const Illust& illust, const std::string& illust_url) {
std::string text = std::to_string(illust.page_count) + " pages";
std::string illust_preview_url = illust_url + "?preview=1";
return Element("a", {{"class", "illustbadge"}, {"href", std::move(illust_preview_url)}}, {