When I inspected the element (right click on the blank login and select `Inspect Element`), the login box is an iframe of `https://passport.aliexpress.com`. From the Web Console (`Ctrl + Shift + K`), the following error message suggested it's caused by [X-Frame-Options](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options).
From the Network inspection (`Ctrl + Shift + E`), `https://passport.aliexpress.com` has HTTP header `x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN`. This restricts the iframe to the same domain. This caused the iframe unable to load because it's different from the login page `https://login.aliexpress.com`.
{% cloudinary 20190228/sameorigin.png %}
[Ignore X-Frame-Options](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ignore-x-frame-options-header/) Firefox extension is a way to whitelist the domain from the restriction. By default, the extension whitelist all domains. This is highly discouraged because it nullifies the security benefits of x-frame-options (e.g. prevent a banking website from being iframe-d inside a phishing website). Instead, we can whitelist the login page only.
{% cloudinary 20190228/whitelist.png %}
That's how the whitelist works on the extension; you add the domain of the iframe not the page's domain. After you add it to the list, refresh the page and you should see the login.
To use the old login page, mouse-over on the **Account** link at the top right corner and click on **My Orders**. It should redirects to `https://login.aliexpress.com/...`