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title: Override smartypants in marked.js renderer
excerpt: marked is a Markdown renderer
date: 2020-08-30
- javascript
``` js
const marked = require('marked')
const { escape } = require('marked/src/helpers')
const { Tokenizer: MarkedTokenizer } = marked
class Tokenizer extends MarkedTokenizer {
// Override smartypants
inlineText (src, inRawBlock) {
const { options, rules } = this
const { smartypants: smartypantsCfg } = options
const smartypants = str => {
return str
// em-dashes
.replace(/---/g, '\u2014')
// en-dashes
.replace(/--/g, '\u2013')
// opening singles
.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/([{"\s])'/g, '$1\u2018')
// closing singles & apostrophes
.replace(/'/g, '\u2019')
// opening doubles
.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/([{\u2018\s])"/g, '$1\u201c')
// closing doubles
.replace(/"/g, '\u201d')
// ellipses
.replace(/\.{3}/g, '\u2026')
const cap = rules.inline.text.exec(src)
if (cap) {
let text
if (inRawBlock) {
text = cap[0]
} else {
text = escape(smartypantsCfg ? smartypants(cap[0]) : cap[0])
return {
type: 'text',
raw: cap[0],
smartypants: true
const tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
marked('input', { tokenizer })
A year ago, a user requested an option to override the behaviour of marked's smartypants, particularly the user wondered if it is possible to replace `"` with `«»` instead of `“”`. Another Markdown renderer, markdown-it (utilised by hexo-renderer-markdown-it), also offers smartypants feature and you can easily customise the quotes substitution using "quotes:" option. But marked doesn't offer that option and I was not familiar with marked API, I couldn't implement the user's request.
Recently after working on [hexojs/hexo-renderer-marked#159](, I became (slightly) more familiar with [marked](, particularly in overriding its rendering methods. I noticed [`inlineText`]( tokenizer passes smartypants function in one of its arguments:
> - inlineText(_string_ src, _bool_ inRawBlock, _function_ smartypants)
It seemed it is possible to bring-your-own smartypants function. Indeed after a few trial-and-error (there was no clear example), I finally figured it out and add a new `quotes:` option in hexo-renderer-marked ([hexojs/hexo-renderer-marked#161]( I attached a sample code at the beginning of this post. If you are already using marked, that code should be quite easy to understand and you just need to modify the `smartypants()` function. Otherwise, here is my explanation.
``` js
const { escape } = require('marked/src/helpers')
marked uses this function to escape unsafe content related to HTML tag (e.g. `<` to [`&lt;`]( I initially wanted to hexo-util's [`escapeHTML()`]( since they seem to serve similar purpose and `escapeHTML()` does escape more potentially unsafe character. But then I noticed the regex search pattern is slightly different, so I retain marked's `escape()` to avoid any undesired rendering change.
``` js
const smartypants = str => {
return str
// em-dashes
.replace(/---/g, '\u2014')
// en-dashes
.replace(/--/g, '\u2013')
// opening singles
.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/([{"\s])'/g, '$1\u2018')
// closing singles & apostrophes
.replace(/'/g, '\u2019')
// opening doubles
.replace(/(^|[-\u2014/([{\u2018\s])"/g, '$1\u201c')
// closing doubles
.replace(/"/g, '\u201d')
// ellipses
.replace(/\.{3}/g, '\u2026')
This is smartypants function as implemented by marked, just comment out any `.replace()` line that you don't want. Note the ordering of the replace function, you may need to comment out other related replacement; if you remove em-dash replace but still retain en-dash, any triple-dash "---" will become en-dash + dash "-". It's also possible to add _more_ substitutions, like "=>" becomes "⇒".
``` js
if (inRawBlock) {
text = cap[0]
`inRawBlock` will be true whenever marked encounters (safe) raw HTML element like `<kbd>lorem ipsum</kbd>` in the markdown content; in this case, there is no need to escape and it will be retained as is.
``` js
return {
type: 'text',
raw: cap[0],
This is what I initially struggled the most to understand, I didn't know which `type:` should I return. At first, I thought the type should be itself (`inlineText`) since that was the `codespan` [example]( showed, but that didn't work (it didn't make sense anyway, since the function shouldn't need to identify itself).
It turned out to be one of the [inline renderer]( methods, in this case, it should be `text`.
``` js
smartypants: true
This option is available as `this.options.smartypants` property in the method.