TUN-8140: Remove homebrew scripts

## Summary
We have decided to no longer push cloudflared to cloudflare homebrew, and use
the automation from homebrew-core to update cloudflared on their repository.
Therefore, the scripts for homebrew and makefile targets are no longer necessary.
This commit is contained in:
João "Pisco" Fernandes 2024-01-10 18:01:10 +00:00
parent 25f91fec10
commit 8d9aab5217
4 changed files with 0 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
set -euo pipefail
if ! VERSION="$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null)" ; then
echo "Skipping public release for an untagged commit."
echo "##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Skipped due to lack of tag']"
exit 0
if [[ "${HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN:-}" == "" ]] ; then
echo "Missing GITHUB_API_TOKEN"
exit 1
# "install" Homebrew
git clone https://github.com/Homebrew/brew tmp/homebrew
eval "$(tmp/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
brew update --force --quiet
chmod -R go-w "$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh"
git config --global user.name "cloudflare-warp-bot"
git config --global user.email "warp-bot@cloudflare.com"
# bump formula pr
brew bump-formula-pr cloudflared --version="$VERSION" --no-browse --no-audit

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
set -euo pipefail
if ! VERSION="$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null)" ; then
echo "Skipping public release for an untagged commit."
echo "##teamcity[buildStatus status='SUCCESS' text='Skipped due to lack of tag']"
exit 0
if [[ ! -f "$FILENAME" ]] ; then
echo "Missing $FILENAME"
exit 1
if [[ "${GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY_B64:-}" == "" ]] ; then
echo "Missing GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY_B64"
exit 1
# upload to s3 bucket for use by Homebrew formula
s3cmd \
--acl-public --access_key="$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" --secret_key="$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" --host-bucket="%(bucket)s.s3.cfdata.org" \
put "$FILENAME" "s3://cftunnel-docs/dl/cloudflared-$VERSION-darwin-amd64.tgz"
s3cmd \
--acl-public --access_key="$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" --secret_key="$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" --host-bucket="%(bucket)s.s3.cfdata.org" \
cp "s3://cftunnel-docs/dl/cloudflared-$VERSION-darwin-amd64.tgz" "s3://cftunnel-docs/dl/cloudflared-stable-darwin-amd64.tgz"
SHA256=$(sha256sum "$FILENAME" | cut -b1-64)
# set up git (note that UserKnownHostsFile is an absolute path so we can cd wherever)
mkdir -p tmp
ssh-keyscan -t rsa github.com > tmp/github.txt
echo "$GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY_B64" | base64 --decode > tmp/private.key
chmod 0400 tmp/private.key
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$PWD/tmp/github.txt -i $PWD/tmp/private.key -o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
# clone Homebrew repo into tmp/homebrew-cloudflare
git clone git@github.com:cloudflare/homebrew-cloudflare.git tmp/homebrew-cloudflare
cd tmp/homebrew-cloudflare
git checkout -f master
git reset --hard origin/master
# modify cloudflared.rb
tee cloudflared.rb <<EOF
class Cloudflared < Formula
desc 'Cloudflare Tunnel'
homepage 'https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-apps'
url '$URL'
sha256 '$SHA256'
version '$VERSION'
def install
bin.install 'cloudflared'
# push cloudflared.rb
git add cloudflared.rb
git diff
git config user.name "cloudflare-warp-bot"
git config user.email "warp-bot@cloudflare.com"
git commit -m "Release Cloudflare Tunnel $VERSION"
git push -v origin master

View File

@ -218,15 +218,6 @@ cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz: cloudflared
tar czf cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz cloudflared tar czf cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz cloudflared
rm cloudflared rm cloudflared
.PHONY: homebrew-upload
homebrew-upload: cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz
aws s3 --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) cp --acl public-read $$^ $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-$$(VERSION)-$1.tgz
aws s3 --endpoint-url $(S3_ENDPOINT) cp --acl public-read $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-$$(VERSION)-$1.tgz $(S3_URI)/cloudflared-stable-$1.tgz
.PHONY: homebrew-release
homebrew-release: homebrew-upload
./publish-homebrew-formula.sh cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz $(VERSION) homebrew-cloudflare
.PHONY: github-release .PHONY: github-release
github-release: cloudflared github-release: cloudflared
python3 github_release.py --path $(EXECUTABLE_PATH) --release-version $(VERSION) python3 github_release.py --path $(EXECUTABLE_PATH) --release-version $(VERSION)

View File

@ -242,16 +242,6 @@ buster: &buster
- component-tests/requirements.txt - component-tests/requirements.txt
pre-cache: *component_test_pre_cache pre-cache: *component_test_pre_cache
post-cache: *component_test_post_cache post-cache: *component_test_post_cache
- openssh-client
- s3cmd
- jq
- build-essential
- procps
- .teamcity/update-homebrew.sh
- .teamcity/update-homebrew-core.sh
github-message-release: github-message-release:
build_dir: *build_dir build_dir: *build_dir
builddeps: *build_pygithub builddeps: *build_pygithub