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malware-filter Add-on (Splunk)

Provide custom search commands to update malware-filter lookups. Each command downloads from a source CSV and emit rows as events which can then be piped to a lookup file or used as a subsearch. Each command is exported globally and can be used in any app. This add-on currently does not have any UI.

Lookup files can be updated using the bundled scheduled reports every 12 hours, every 15 minutes for botnet_ip.csv and opendbl_ip.csv. The scheduled reports are disabled by default. Enable the relevant schedule that corresponds to the required lookup file. Modify the search string to add optional arguments.

Source CSVs will be downloaded via a proxy if configured in "$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/server.conf".

Refer to this article for a more comprehensive guide on detecting malicious domain, URL, IP and CIDR range.

Tested on Splunk 9.x.


Releases are available at Splunkbase and GitLab

Instruction to build the main branch is available at the Build section.


| geturlhausfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv

Optional arguments:

  • wildcard_prefix <string>: list of column names to have wildcard "*" prefixed to their non-empty value. New column(s) named "{column_name}_wildcard_prefix" will be created. Non-existant column will be silently ignored. Accepted values: "column_name", "columnA,columnB".
  • wildcard_suffix <string>: Same as wildcard_prefix but have the wildcard suffixed instead.
  • wildcard_affix <string>: Same as wildcard_prefix but have the wildcard prefixed and suffixed.
  • message <string>: Add custom message column. New column "custom_message" will be created.


| geturlhausfilter
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
host path message updated
example2.com /some-path urlhaus-filter malicious website detected 2022-12-21T12:34:56Z
| geturlhausfilter wildcard_prefix=path message="lorem ipsum"
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
host path message updated path_wildcard_prefix message
example2.com /some-path urlhaus-filter malicious website detected 2022-12-21T12:34:56Z */some-path lorem ipsum
example.com urlhaus-filter malicious website detected 2022-12-21T12:34:56Z lorem ipsum

Lookup files

Lookup files are bundled but they are empty, run the relevant | getsomething | outputlookup some-filter.csv to get the latest lookup before using any of them.

  • urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
  • phishing-filter-splunk.csv
  • pup-filter-splunk.csv
  • vn-badsite-filter-splunk.csv
  • botnet-filter-splunk.csv
  • botnet_ip.csv
  • opendbl_ip.csv


| geturlhausfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv

Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter#splunk


| getphishingfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false phishing-filter-splunk.csv

Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/phishing-filter#splunk


| getpupfilter  wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false pup-filter-splunk.csv

Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/pup-filter#splunk


| getvnbadsitefilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false vn-badsite-filter-splunk.csv

Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/vn-badsite-filter#splunk


Highly recommend to use getbotnetip instead.

| getbotnetfilter message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false botnet-filter-splunk.csv

Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/botnet-filter#splunk


Recommend to update the lookup file "botnet_ip.csv" every 5 minutes (cron */5 * * * *).

| getbotnetip message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false botnet_ip.csv


first_seen_utc dst_ip dst_port c2_status last_online malware updated
2021-01-17 07:44:46 4643 online 2023-01-26 Dridex 2023-01-25T17:41:16Z

Source: https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/downloads/ipblocklist.csv


Recommend to update the lookup file "opendbl_ip.csv" every 15 minutes (cron */15 * * * *).

| getopendbl message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false opendbl_ip.csv
start end netmask cidr_range name updated 32 Emerging Threats: Known Compromised Hosts 2023-01-30T08:03:00Z 24 Dshield 2023-01-30T08:01:00Z

Source: https://opendbl.net/

Example usage

| tstats summariesonly=true allow_old_summaries=true count FROM datamodel=Web WHERE Web.action="allowed"
BY Web.user, Web.src, Web.dest, Web.site, Web.url, Web.category, Web.action, index, _time span=1s
| rename Web.* AS *
| lookup urlhaus-filter-splunk-online host AS site, host AS dest OUTPUT message AS description, updated
| lookup urlhaus-filter-splunk-online path_wildcard_prefix AS vendor_url, host AS site, host AS dest OUTPUT message AS description2, updated AS updated2
| lookup phishing-filter-splunk host AS site, host AS dest OUTPUT message AS description3, updated AS updated3
| lookup phishing-filter-splunk path_wildcard_prefix AS vendor_url, host AS site, host AS dest OUTPUT message AS description4, updated AS updated4
| lookup pup-filter-splunk host AS site, host AS dest OUTPUT message AS description5, updated AS updated5
| lookup vn-badsite-filter-splunk host AS site, host AS dest OUTPUT message AS description6, updated AS updated6
| lookup botnet_ip dst_ip AS dest OUTPUT malware AS description7, updated AS updated7
| eval Description=coalesce(description, description2, description3, description4, description5, description6, description7)
| search Description=*
| eval updated=coalesce(updated, updated2, updated3, updated4, updated5, updated6, updated7), "Signature Last Updated"=strftime(strptime(updated." +0000","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ %z"),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"), Time=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"), "Source IP"=src, Username=user, Domain=site, "Destination IP"=dest, URL=url, Action=action
| table Time, index, "Signature Last Updated", "Source IP", Username, Domain, "Destination IP", Description, Action, URL

It is not recommended to use subsearch (e.g. [| inputlookup urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv | fields host ]) for these lookup tables especially urlhaus-filter and phishing-filter because they usually have more than 30,000 rows, which exceed the soft-limit of 10,000 rows returned by subsearch.

Disable individual commands

Settings -> All configurations -> filter by "malware_filter" app


git clone https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/splunk-malware-filter
cd splunk-malware-filter
python build.py

Download failover

For get*filter search commands, the script will attempt to download from the following domains in sequence (check out the DOWNLOAD_URLS constant in each script):

  • malware-filter.gitlab.io
  • curbengh.github.io
  • curbengh.github.io
  • malware-filter.gitlab.io
  • malware-filter.pages.dev
  • *-filter.pages.dev

It is not necessary to allow outbound connection to all the above domains, it just depends how much redundancy you prefer.


getbotnetip.py and getopendbl.py are included simply for convenience, their upstream sources are not affiliated with malware-filter.

Repository Mirrors



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