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# Splunk Add-on for malware-filter
Provide custom search commands to update [malware-filter](https://gitlab.com/malware-filter) lookups. Each command downloads from a source CSV and emit rows as events which can then be piped to a lookup file or used as a subsearch. Each command is exported globally and can be used in any app. This add-on currently does not have any UI.
## Usage
| geturlhausfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
Optional arguments:
- **wildcard_prefix** `<string>`: list of column names to have wildcard "\*" prefixed to their _non-empty_ value. New column(s) named "{column_name}\_wildcard_prefix" will be created. Non-existant column will be silently ignored. Accepted values: `"column_name"`, `"columnA,columnB"`.
- **wildcard_suffix** `<string>`: Same as wildcard_prefix but have the wildcard suffixed instead.
- **wildcard_affix** `<string>`: Same as wildcard_prefix but have the wildcard prefixed and suffixed.
- **message** `<string>`: Add custom message column. New column "custom_message" will be created.
| geturlhausfilter
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
| host | path | message | updated |
| ------------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| example2.com | /some-path | urlhaus-filter malicious website detected | 2022-12-21T12:34:56Z |
| geturlhausfilter wildcard_prefix=path message="lorem ipsum"
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
| host | path | message | updated | path_wildcard_prefix | message |
| ------------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- |
| example2.com | /some-path | urlhaus-filter malicious website detected | 2022-12-21T12:34:56Z | \*/some-path | lorem ipsum |
| example.com | | urlhaus-filter malicious website detected | 2022-12-21T12:34:56Z | | lorem ipsum |
## Lookup files
Lookup files are bundled but they are empty, run the relevant `| getsomething | outputlookup some-filter.csv` to get the latest lookup before using any of them.
- urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
- phishing-filter-splunk.csv
- pup-filter-splunk.csv
- vn-badsite-filter-splunk.csv
- botnet-filter-splunk.csv
- botnet_ip.csv
- opendbl_ip.csv
## geturlhausfilter
| geturlhausfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false urlhaus-filter-splunk-online.csv
Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter#splunk
## getphishingfilter
| getphishingfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false phishing-filter-splunk.csv
Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/phishing-filter#splunk
## getpupfilter
| getphishingfilter message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false pup-filter-splunk.csv
Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/pup-filter#splunk
## getvnbadsitefilter
| getphishingfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false vn-badsite-filter-splunk.csv
Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/vn-badsite-filter#splunk
## getbotnetfilter
Highly recommend to use [`getbotnetip`](#getbotnetip) instead.
| getphishingfilter message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false botnet-filter-splunk.csv
Output columns are listed here https://gitlab.com/malware-filter/botnet-filter#splunk
## getbotnetip
Recommend to update the lookup file "botnet_ip.csv" every 5 minutes (cron `*/5 * * * *`).
| getphishingfilter wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false botnet_ip.csv
Source: https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/downloads/ipblocklist.csv
| first_seen_utc | dst_ip | dst_port | c2_status | last_online | malware | last_updated_utc |
| ------------------- | ------------- | -------- | --------- | ----------- | ------- | ------------------- |
| 2021-01-17 07:44:46 | | 4643 | online | 2023-01-26 | Dridex | 2023-01-25 17:41:16 |
## getopendbl
Recommend to update the lookup file "opendbl_ip.csv" every 15 minutes (cron `*/15 * * * *`).
| getopendbl wildcard_prefix=<string> wildcard_suffix=<string> wildcard_affix=<string> message=<string>
| outputlookup override_if_empty=false opendbl_ip.csv
Source: https://opendbl.net/
## Disabling individual commands
Settings -> All configurations -> filter by "malware_filter" app
## Build
`python build.py`
## Disclaimer
`getbotnetip.py` and `getopendbl.py` are included simply for convenience, their upstream sources are not affiliated with malware-filter.
## License
[Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal](LICENSE.md)