A flexible DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such as [DNSCrypt v2](https://dnscrypt.info/protocol), [DNS-over-HTTPS](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8484.txt) and [Anonymized DNSCrypt](https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-protocol/blob/master/ANONYMIZED-DNSCRYPT.txt).
-`doh_servers` = `false` (disable servers implementing the `DNS-over-HTTPS` protocol)
-`require_dnssec` = `true` (server must support `DNSSEC` DNS security extensions)
-`timeout` = `1000` (set DNS query max. response time from `5000` to `1000` ms.)
-`blocked_query_response` = `'refused'` (set `refused` response to blocked queries)
-`dnscrypt_ephemeral_keys` = `true` (create a new, unique key for every single DNS query)
-`fallback_resolvers` = `['']` (Use [UncensoredDNS](https://blog.uncensoreddns.org/) as fallback resolver instead [CloudFlare](https://iscloudflaresafeyet.com/))
-`netprobe_address` = `''` (Use [UncensoredDNS](https://blog.uncensoreddns.org/) as fallback resolver instead [CloudFlare](https://iscloudflaresafeyet.com/))
-`block_ipv6` = `true` (immediately respond to IPv6-related queries with an empty response)
-`blocked_names_file`, `blocked_ips_file`, `allowed_names_file` and `allowed_ips_file` options enabled (use the related files, created in your Internal Memory, if you want to filter your content)
-`anonymized_dns` feature enabled (routes are indirect ways to reach DNSCrypt servers, each resolver has 2 relays assigned)
-`skip_incompatible` = `true` (skip resolvers incompatible with anonymization instead of using them directly)
-`direct_cert_fallback` = `false` (prevent direct connections through the resolvers for failed certificate retrieved via relay)
- You can edit `dnscrypt-proxy.toml` as you wish located on `/sdcard/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml`, or `/data/media/0/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml`.
The issue is related to the use of `AFWall+` and only happens on some devices, it depends on how the DNS configuration is implemented in the device itself.