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Now 2021-09-29 permalink Find out what I am doing now: what I'm reading, what I'm working on in my free time, and where I'm at professionally.

You might also want to read: What is a "now page"?

Recent academic and professional decisions

As of September 2021, I am taking a leave of absence from the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at Smith College School for Social Work. Through the AmeriCorps VISTA program, I will be working at a human service organization as a Program Evaluation Specialist.

In my free time

I am using The Odin Project and a Udemy course to continue learning web development. I'm also exploring computer programming with a few courses on edX, including CS50.

What I'm reading

Schoonmaker, S. (2018). Free software, the Internet, and global communities of resistance. Routledge.

In previous months

December 2020

November 2020

  • I wrote my first "personal" post on November 2, where I describe leaving Cloudflare and GitLab Pages.
  • I'm back to volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) as of November 4.
  • I posted the privacy and security policy for this website on November 8.
  • I wrote a new "Start" page on November 11; it's now more of a landing page. There is an image of the old index page at the bottom of this post.
  • I added the "Now" page (what you're currently reading) on November 11.


The index.html (a website's default starting page) until November 11, 2020. It included summaries of the four most recent posts, as well as the header and footer. The current index page has similar links, including a modified footer.