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Now 2022-06-01 permalink Find out what I am doing now: what I'm learning or reading, what I'm working on in my free time, and where I'm at professionally.

You might also want to read: What is a "now page"?

Recent academic and professional progress

I was selected to participate in The Boggs Center's Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (NJLEND) program as a Library and Information Science Fellow. NJLEND is an interdisciplinary graduate fellowship and leadership development program.

I was certified to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from Thomas Edison State University (TESU).

In my free time

I'm still planning to update the resources page (or create a separate page) with content related to civic technology, computational social science, and data science.

What I'm learning

Esri tools (including ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Business Analyst, and ArcGIS Story Maps)

In previous months

February 2022

January 2022

  • I officially withdrew from the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at Smith College School for Social Work, from which I had been taking a leave of absence.
  • I finished the November 2021 term at Thomas Edison State University, including three online courses (Data Structures; Database Management; Software Engineering) and two e-Pack courses (Computer Concepts and Applications; Industrial Psychology).

November 2021

  • Between moving in January 2021 and summer coursework at Smith College, I had some months where I wasn't regularly volunteering as an EMT. I'm back to it as of late November 2021.

December 2020

November 2020

  • I wrote my first "personal" post on November 2, where I describe leaving Cloudflare and GitLab Pages.
  • I'm back to volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) as of November 4.
  • I posted the privacy and security policy for this website on November 8.
  • I wrote a new "Start" page on November 11; it's now more of a landing page. There is an image of the old index page at the bottom of this post.
  • I added the "Now" page (what you're currently reading) on November 11.


The index.html (a website's default starting page) until November 11, 2020. It included summaries of the four most recent posts, as well as the header and footer. The current index page has similar links, including a modified footer.