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Resources 2024-06-01 permalink Browse the resources I use and recommend, including articles and free software. true

Educational resources and open licenses

Creative Commons

Free Software Foundation: Free software resources

Open Educational Resources (OER Commons): Search resources

Saylor Academy: College Success

Recommended reading

About Feeds: What is a feed?

Annamma, S. A. (2018). The pedagogy of pathologization: Disabled girls of color in the school-prison nexus. Routledge.

Lydia X. Z. Brown on Autistic Hoya (formerly Resources

Opsahl, K. (2013, June 7). Why metadata matters. Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Rogers, C. (2016). Intellectual disability and being human: A care ethics model. Routledge.

Stevenson, B. (2014). Just mercy: A story of justice and redemption. Spiegel & Grau.
Stevenson, B. (2014). Just mercy: A story of justice and redemption. [Audiobook]. Penguin Random House Audio.

Recommended software

I rely on free software every day. Described below are the services and tools I use most often.

{{<icon "/icon/bitwarden.svg">}} Bitwarden: Self-hostable password manager
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Could replace 1Password, Dashlane, and LastPass

{{<icon "/icon/cryptomator.svg">}} Cryptomator: Client-side file encryption solution that works well with cloud storage
Licensing: GNU General Public License v3.0
Could replace Boxcryptor

{{<icon "/icon/firefly-iii.svg">}} Firefly III: Self-hosted personal finance manager
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Could replace Mint and YNAB, albeit with a "fundamentally different" philosophy

{{<icon "/icon/freshrss.svg">}} FreshRSS: Self-hosted news aggregator
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Could replace Feedly and Inoreader

{{<icon "/icon/gnupg.svg">}} GnuPG: Used by Keyoxide's decentralized identity verification and's encrypted inbox, "GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880"
Licensing: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
See also Git's "Signing Your Work" and Keyoxide

{{<icon "/icon/joplin.svg">}} Joplin: Note-taking and task management application with encryption and synchronization
Licensing: MIT (Expat) License
Could replace Google Keep and Microsoft OneNote

{{<icon "/icon/linkding.svg">}} linkding: Simple bookmark tool that can automatically save bookmarked pages to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine
Licensing: MIT (Expat) License
See also ArchiveBox

{{<icon "/icon/mailboxdotorg.svg">}} Secure mail service provider
Licensing: Based on Open-Xchange, Postfix, and other free software
Could replace Gmail and Outlook

{{<icon "/icon/mozillafirefoxbrowser.svg">}} Mozilla Firefox and {{<icon "/icon/mozillathunderbird.svg">}} Mozilla Thunderbird: Web browser (desktop and mobile) and email client that can also manage contacts, calendars, and feeds (desktop)
Licensing: Mozilla Public License 2.0
Firefox could replace Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, etc. while Thunderbird could replace eM Client, Mailbird, and Microsoft Outlook. See FairEmail for a mobile email client

{{<icon "/icon/nextcloud.svg">}} Nextcloud: Self-hosted cloud storage and content collaboration platform
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later (server)
Could replace Google Drive and Microsoft 365 -- CalDAV and CardDAV support also allow for synchronization of calendars and contacts, respectively

{{<icon "/icon/nocodb.png">}} NocoDB: No-code database
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later
Could replace Airtable

{{<icon "/icon/ntfy.svg">}} ntfy: Self-hostable HTTP-based push notification service
Licensing: Apache License 2.0 and GNU General Public License v2.0
See also Gotify

{{<icon "/icon/rclone.svg">}} Rclone: Cloud storage management tool (e.g., move files between different servers)
Licensing: MIT (Expat) License
Could replace a supported provider's synchronization software (e.g., Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive)

{{<icon "/icon/shiori.svg">}} Shiori: Self-hosted read-it-later application
Licensing: MIT (Expat) License
Could replace Instapaper and Pocket. See also wallabag, which I used until early December 2022

{{<icon "/icon/signal.svg">}} Signal: Secure instant messaging
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (server, desktop) and GNU General Public License v3.0 (mobile)
Could replace text messages (SMS/MMS), Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and WhatsApp

{{<icon "/icon/silverbullet.png">}} SilverBullet: Self-hosted note-taking application with end-user programming features
Licensing: MIT (Expat) License
See also Logseq

{{<icon "/icon/syncthing.svg">}} Syncthing: Continuous file synchronization program
Licensing: Mozilla Public License 2.0
See also Syncthing-Fork (Android) and SyncTrayzor (Windows)

{{<icon "/icon/vikunja.svg">}} Vikunja: Self-hostable task management application
Licensing: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Could replace Microsoft To Do, Todoist, etc.

Zooming Out: "A provisional list of Zoom replacements" that I helped research

Please feel free to contact me for further alternatives or public instances of self-hostable services!

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