
2.2 KiB


@[Col_Name] - To get the column name

'SHEET_NAME'!$COL$ROW - To get cell from given sheet name and specified row and col


AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...)

number1 - A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.

number2 - [optional] A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.

COUNTIF(range, criteria)

range - The range of cells to count.

criteria - The criteria that controls which cells should be counted.

IF(condition, truthy_val, falsy_val)

condition - A value or condition that can evaluate to TRUE or FALSE

truthy_val - The value to return when condition is TRUE

falsy_val - The value too return when condition is FALSE

IFERROR(value, value_if_error)

value - The value, reference, or formula to check for an error.

value_if_error - The value to return if an error is found.

MATCH (lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])

lookup_value - The value to match in lookup_array.

lookup_array - A range of cells or an array reference.

match_type - [optional] 1 = exact or next smallest (default), 0 = exact match, -1 = exact or next largest.

MIN (number1, [number2], ...)

number1 - Number, reference to numeric value, or range that contains numeric values.

number2 - [optional] Number, reference to numeric value, or range that contains numeric values.

OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, [height], [width])

references - The starting point, supplied as a cell reference or range

rows - The number of rows to offset below the starting reference.

cols - The number of columns to offset to the right of the starting reference.

height - [optional] The height in rows of the returned reference.

width - [optional] The width in columns of the returned reference.