✅ Synced with Desktop version
⛔️ Disabled `PiP` (Picture-in-Picture) feature
⛔️ Disabled autoplay of HTML5 media if you interacted with the site | FF78
⛔️ Disabled using the OS's geolocation service | FF78
⛔️ Disabled one more webextension sync process | FF78
ℹ️ Grouped CBC ciphers
ℹ️ Modified some links, tag and descriptions
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF77+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Added, but not enabled, https_only_mode.upgrade_local (still experimental) | FF77
✅ Enforced prefers-reduced-motion as no-preference
to local IP addresses are also upgraded)
⛔️ Disabled permissions manager from writing to disk
ℹ️ Modified some links, tag and descriptions
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF76+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Enforced no system colors (they can be fingerprinted)
⛔️ Disabled lockwise app callout to the ETP card | FF75
⛔️ Disabled Remote Settings | FF75
⛔️ Disabled permissions delegation | FF73
ℹ️ Fixed a typo that didn't allow the correct deactivation of extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled pref
ℹ️ Added some links and descriptions
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF74+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Enforced FPI (First Party Isolation) by allow communication only if FPDs also match
⛔️ Disabled experiments extensions (ex legacy) | FF74
⛔️ Disabled Network Predictor on SSL
⛔️ Disabled geo -country.network.scan and -country.network.url | FENIX
⛔️ Disabled the remaining non-modern cipher suites
ℹ️ Increased history leaks via enumeration (PER TAB: back/forward) from 3 to 4
ℹ️ Removed all the redundant buildIDs values. Let privacy.resistFingerprinting do the rest
ℹ️ Renamed using the OS's geolocation service pref | FF74
ℹ️ Created a dedicated section for FPI (First Party Isolation)
ℹ️ Added some links and descriptions
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF73+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Synced all the buildIDs with Tor's ones
✅ Added a pref (commented by default) to "Enable start in Private Browsing mode"
⛔️ Disabled SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol)
⛔️ Disabled all the in-browser feeds handling
⛔️ Disabled tickle time under wifi network (no more packets transmitted trought 4886 port over Wi-Fi)
⛔️ Disabled two more VR prefs | FF73
⛔️ Disabled browser animations
ℹ️ Reduced history leaks via enumeration (PER TAB: back/forward) from 20 to 3
ℹ️ Set to keep cookies until you close FF
ℹ️ Added some links and descriptions
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF72+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Synced all the buildIDs with Tor's ones
✅ Added a pref (commented by default) to set the days before cookies are delated if you choose for:
network.cookie.lifetimePolicy = 3
⛔️ Disabled two more webgl prefs
⛔️ Disabled two more signon prefs
⛔️ Disabled one more extensions.blocklist pref
ℹ️ Commented extensions.lastAppBuildId pref because it's constantly overwritten
ℹ️ Added some links and descriptions
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF71+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Synced all the buildIDs with Tor's ones
✅ Sanitized app.releaseNotesURL
⛔️ Disabled Firefox Developer Tools
⛔️ Disabled search suggestions prompt "blue" bar
⛔️ Disabled ping to Mozilla for Man-in-the-Middle detection
⛔️ Disabled deprecated TLS versions
⛔️ Disabled all the WebAssembly remaining prefs
⛔️ Disabled more telemetry | FF71+
ℹ️ Remove all the timeout prefs
ℹ️ Reordered and renamed some prefs with better criteria
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF70+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x)
✅ Synced with Desktop version
✅ Enabled (again) disk cache for SSL page - READ HERE
(https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/issues/792)✅ Enforced fallback text encoding to match en-US
✅ Forced Encrypted Server Name Indication (eSNI) (for TLS 1.3 if TRR/DoH is enabled)
✅ Synced all the buildIDs with Tor's ones
ℹ️ Removed lots of [DESKTOP] tag to match the incoming Fenix
ℹ️ Reordered and renamed many prefs with better criteria
ℹ️ Changed repository name to mobile_user.js
ℹ️ Removed all the http:// links
ℹ️ Removed ESR60.x support
ℹ️ Moved some preferences from FF70+ into deprecated section (keeping them active for ESR68.x)