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  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • Execute one of the following commands depending on your conditions:
    • If this is going to be on production (aka is not for debugging), run cmake -B . .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    • If you are debugging Pixwhile, run cmake -B . .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
  • make -j$(nproc)


Copy example_config.json to a file with any name you like (e.g. config.json), then open the copied file and edit the parameters to your liking (they should be self-explanatory, especially with comments).

Pixwhile is intended to be run behind a reverse proxy (e.g. Nginx), so you should set your reverse proxy to proxy requests to http://localhost:<port in config file>, and set a X-Canonical-Origin header for all requests coming through to the URL for your instance. For example, if your instance is at https://pixwhile.example.com, you should set the header to https://pixwhile.example.com.


Run ./path/to/repository/build/pixwhile with the path to your copied config file as an argument