Update Compass QoL Enhancer to 1.13.0

- Slightly refactor code
- Prevent the dashboard tab in the user page being "dsh"
- Learning tasks can now be linked to
This commit is contained in:
blankie 2023-08-31 17:39:57 +10:00
parent 387213d063
commit 127b846b67
Signed by: blankie
GPG Key ID: CC15FC822C7F61F5
2 changed files with 136 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// @name Compass QoL Enhancer
// @namespace blankie-scripts
// @match http*://*.compass.education/*
// @version 1.12.0
// @version 1.13.0
// @author blankie
// @description A userscript that adds small but useful features for Compass, such as the ability to close windows by clicking on the background
// @inject-into page
@ -12,13 +12,12 @@
"use strict";
let qolTabOpened = false;
// we make a copy of window.location.hash because the dashboard tab on a user's page would set the fragment to #dsh for some reason
let hashCopy = window.location.hash;
let qolLearningTaskOpened = false;
// needed because .toString() adds a trailing = for empty values
function serializeURLSearchParams(query) {
URLSearchParams.prototype.laxToString = function() {
let out = "";
for (let [key, value] of query) {
for (let [key, value] of this) {
if (out) {
out += "&";
@ -30,9 +29,18 @@ function serializeURLSearchParams(query) {
return out;
function getHashSearch() {
return new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1));
function getExtClass(className) {
if (!unsafeWindow.Ext) {
return null;
return unsafeWindow.Ext.ClassManager.get(className);
function getPanelItemHash(panelId, isDefault) {
if (window.location.pathname === "/Organise/Activities/Activity.aspx") {
let query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1));
let query = getHashSearch();
if (panelId === "learningtasks") {
query.set("openLearningTaskTab", "");
@ -43,12 +51,52 @@ function getPanelItemHash(panelId, isDefault) {
query.set("qol_open_tab", panelId);
return `#${serializeURLSearchParams(query)}`;
return `#${query.laxToString()}`;
return `#${encodeURIComponent(panelId)}`;
// Prevent the dashboard tab in the user page being "dsh"
let UserProfileNewWidget = getExtClass("Compass.widgets.UserProfileNewWidget");
if (UserProfileNewWidget) {
let original = UserProfileNewWidget.prototype.createItems;
UserProfileNewWidget.prototype.createItems = function() {
let res = original.apply(this, arguments);
delete res[0].listeners;
return res;
// Automatically open learning tasks specified in the URL
let LearningTasksDetailsWidgetNew = getExtClass("Compass.widgets.LearningTasksDetailsWidgetNew");
if (LearningTasksDetailsWidgetNew) {
let original = LearningTasksDetailsWidgetNew.prototype.forceOpenLearningTaskOnLoad;
LearningTasksDetailsWidgetNew.prototype.forceOpenLearningTaskOnLoad = function() {
// stole this from the function above
let toOpen = this.initialLoadComplete && !this.firstLoad;
let exit = !toOpen || this.openLearningTaskId || qolLearningTaskOpened;
original.apply(this, arguments);
if (exit) {
qolLearningTaskOpened = true;
let learningTask = parseInt(getHashSearch().get("qol_learning_task"), 10);
if (isNaN(learningTask)) {
let learningTaskRecord = this.taskStore.findRecord("id", learningTask);
if (!learningTaskRecord) {
this.launchLearningTasksSubmissionWidget(learningTaskRecord.data.gridRecordId, false);
function updateInstanceButton(instanceDetails, instanceButton, offset) {
// Make previous/next session buttons links
let index = instanceDetails.instanceStore.indexOfId(instanceDetails.m_instanceId);
@ -60,42 +108,64 @@ function updateInstanceButton(instanceDetails, instanceButton, offset) {
function handleInstanceButtonClick(event) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
function handleActivityManager(element) {
let instanceDetails = unsafeWindow.Ext.getCmp(element.id).m_InstanceDetailsWidget;
let instanceNavigatorToolbar = instanceDetails.getInstanceNavigatorToolbar();
let previousInstanceButton = instanceNavigatorToolbar.getComponent("previousInstanceButton");
let nextInstanceButton = instanceNavigatorToolbar.getComponent("nextInstanceButton");
let comboSelectInstance = instanceDetails.getCmbSelectIntance(); // not a typo :)
let realUpdateInstanceHeader = instanceDetails.updateInstanceHeader;
instanceDetails.updateInstanceHeader = function() {
realUpdateInstanceHeader.apply(this, arguments);
updateInstanceButton(instanceDetails, previousInstanceButton, -1);
updateInstanceButton(instanceDetails, nextInstanceButton, 1);
let InstanceDetailsWidget = getExtClass("Compass.widgets.InstanceDetailsWidget");
if (InstanceDetailsWidget) {
let originalUpdateInstanceHeader = InstanceDetailsWidget.prototype.updateInstanceHeader;
InstanceDetailsWidget.prototype.updateInstanceHeader = function() {
originalUpdateInstanceHeader.apply(this, arguments);
let toolbar = this.getInstanceNavigatorToolbar();
updateInstanceButton(this, toolbar.getComponent("previousInstanceButton"), -1);
updateInstanceButton(this, toolbar.getComponent("nextInstanceButton"), 1);
for (let button of [previousInstanceButton, nextInstanceButton]) {
button.el.dom.addEventListener("click", handleInstanceButtonClick, {passive: true});
// move all previous handlers back to the front
// new relic's browser agent would've borked this, but it did not??
// i'll take what i can get i guess
// (note to self: unsafeWindow.NREUM = true if this breaks)
for (let handler of unsafeWindow.Ext.EventManager.getEventListenerCache(button, "click")) {
button.el.dom.removeEventListener("click", handler.wrap);
button.el.dom.addEventListener("click", handler.wrap);
let originalGetInstanceNavigatorToolbar = InstanceDetailsWidget.prototype.getInstanceNavigatorToolbar;
InstanceDetailsWidget.prototype.getInstanceNavigatorToolbar = function() {
if (this.instanceNavigatorToolbar) {
return this.instanceNavigatorToolbar;
let toolbar = originalGetInstanceNavigatorToolbar.apply(this, arguments);
let previousButton = toolbar.getComponent("previousInstanceButton");
let nextButton = toolbar.getComponent("nextInstanceButton");
comboSelectInstance.tpl.html = comboSelectInstance.tpl.html.replace("<div ", "<div data-qol-session={id} ");
previousButton.preventDefault = false;
let originalPreviousButtonHandler = previousButton.handler;
previousButton.handler = function(_, event) {
if (!event.ctrlKey) {
originalPreviousButtonHandler.apply(this, arguments);
nextButton.preventDefault = false;
let originalNextButtonHandler = nextButton.handler;
nextButton.handler = function(_, event) {
if (!event.ctrlKey) {
originalNextButtonHandler.apply(this, arguments);
return toolbar;
// not a typo :)
let originalGetCmbSelectIntance = InstanceDetailsWidget.prototype.getCmbSelectIntance;
InstanceDetailsWidget.prototype.getCmbSelectIntance = function() {
if (this.cmbSelectInstance) {
return this.cmbSelectInstance;
let combo = originalGetCmbSelectIntance.apply(this, arguments);
// Make sessions in the sessions dropdown links
combo.tpl.html = combo.tpl.html.replace(
/<div (.+?) style="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/div>/,
"<a href='#session/{id}' onclick='event.ctrlKey && event.stopImmediatePropagation()' $1 style='display: block; text-decoration: none; $2'>$3</a>"
return combo;
function handleNewCalendarEvent(element, calendar) {
// Turn each calendar event into a link so that Link Hints can recognize it
let a = document.createElement("a");
@ -107,26 +177,27 @@ function handleNewCalendarEvent(element, calendar) {
// fix weird aboveline (underline but above the text) on hover
a.style.textDecoration = "none";
let preventCompassHandler = false;
let calendarData = calendar.getEventRecordFromEl(element).data;
if (a.classList.contains("activity-type-1")) {
// Add a link for activities/"standard classes"
a.href = `/Organise/Activities/Activity.aspx?targetUserId=${calendarData.targetStudentId}#session/${calendarData.instanceId}`;
preventCompassHandler = true;
} else if (a.classList.contains("activity-type-2")) {
// Add a link for action centre events
a.href = `/Organise/Activities/Events/Event.aspx?eventId=${calendarData.activityId}`;
if (calendarData.targetStudentId) {
a.href += `&userId=${calendarData.targetStudentId}`;
preventCompassHandler = true;
} else if (a.classList.contains("activity-type-10")) {
// Add a link for learning tasks
let calendarPanel = calendar.ownerCalendarPanel;
a.href = calendarPanel.targetUserId !== undefined ? `/Records/User.aspx?userId=${calendarPanel.targetUserId}#learningTasks` : "/Records/User.aspx#learningTasks";
preventCompassHandler = true;
a.href = "/Records/User.aspx"
if (calendarPanel.targetUserId !== undefined) {
a.href += `?userId=${calendarPanel.targetUserId}`;
// Link specifically to the learning task
a.href += `#learningTasks&qol_learning_task=${calendarData.learningTaskId}`;
// Show the finish time for applicable calendar events
@ -140,7 +211,7 @@ function handleNewCalendarEvent(element, calendar) {
// prevent ctrl-clicking from changing the current tab
// it seems like the link thing actually effectively killed the default handler anyway
if (preventCompassHandler) {
if (a.href) {
a.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
}, {passive: true});
@ -151,10 +222,6 @@ function handleNewCalendarEvent(element, calendar) {
function handlePanelItem(panel, panelItem, isDefault, tabToOpen) {
let panelId = panelItem.itemId || panelItem.id;
// i don't know why but dashboard is dsh
if (window.location.pathname === "/Records/User.aspx" && panelId === "dashboard") {
panelId = "dsh";
let panelItemHash = getPanelItemHash(panelId, isDefault);
// Automatically open tab specified in fragment
@ -164,10 +231,6 @@ function handlePanelItem(panel, panelItem, isDefault, tabToOpen) {
// it does look like that this bug only manifests if the tab is activated while the initial loading thing is shown
setTimeout(function() {
// reference the now active tab in the fragment if necessary (cough cough the reason why hashCopy exists)
if (panelItemHash !== window.location.hash) {
history.replaceState("", "", panelItemHash);
}, 1000);
@ -186,7 +249,7 @@ function handlePanelItem(panel, panelItem, isDefault, tabToOpen) {
// prevent the browser from scrolling to the body
if (panelItemHash !== window.location.hash) {
if (window.location.hash !== panelItemHash && (window.location.pathname === "/Organise/Activities/Activity.aspx" || !window.location.hash.startsWith(`${panelItemHash}&`))) {
// Automatically add a reference to the tab when it is clicked
history.pushState("", "", panelItemHash);
@ -200,19 +263,16 @@ function handleLearningTasksTable(element) {
}, {passive: true});
function handleSessionItem(element) {
// Make sessions in the sessions dropdown links
let style = getComputedStyle(element);
// Add links to learning tasks themselves
let gridView = Ext.getCmp(element.parentElement.id);
for (let item of gridView.store.data.items) {
let data = item.data;
let a = element.querySelector(`[gridrecordid="${data.gridRecordId}"]`);
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = `#session/${element.dataset.qolSession}`;
a.style.display = "block";
a.style.textDecoration = "none";
a.style.padding = style.padding;
a.style.color = style.color;
let query = getHashSearch();
query.set("qol_learning_task", data.id);
a.href = `#${query.laxToString()}`;
a.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
@ -220,9 +280,7 @@ function handleSessionItem(element) {
element.style.padding = 0;
function handleCKEditor(instance) {
@ -252,10 +310,6 @@ function handleNewNode(node, observer) {
if (node.id === "CompassManagersActivityDefaultManager") {
if (node.parentElement && (node.classList.contains("ext-cal-hd-ct") || node.classList.contains("ext-cal-bg-tbl") || node.classList.contains("ext-cal-inner-ct") || node.classList.contains("ext-cal-mdv"))) {
let calendar = unsafeWindow.Ext.getCmp(node.closest(".x-component").id);
if (calendar.view) {
@ -266,11 +320,10 @@ function handleNewNode(node, observer) {
} else if (!qolTabOpened && node.classList.contains("x-panel")) {
qolTabOpened = true;
let tabToOpen = hashCopy.substring(1) || null;
if (window.location.pathname === "/Organise/Activities/Activity.aspx") {
tabToOpen = (new URLSearchParams(tabToOpen)).get("qol_open_tab");
let panel = unsafeWindow.Ext.getCmp(node.id);
let tabToOpen = window.location.pathname === "/Organise/Activities/Activity.aspx"
? getHashSearch().get("qol_open_tab")
: (window.location.hash.replace(/^#(.+?)&.*$/, "$1") || null);
for (let i = 0; i < panel.items.items.length; i++) {
handlePanelItem(panel, panel.items.items[i], i === 0, tabToOpen);
@ -284,8 +337,6 @@ function handleNewNode(node, observer) {
} else if (node.localName === "table" && node.closest(".sel-learning-tasks-widget")) {
} else if (node.classList.contains("x-boundlist-item") && node.dataset.qolSession) {
} else if (node.classList.contains("cke")) {
let instance = unsafeWindow.CKEDITOR.instances[node.id.substring(4)];

View File

@ -37,11 +37,13 @@ A userscript that adds small but useful features for Compass. Features include:
creating a new tab
- Ctrl-clicking an activity in a user's learning tasks tab no longer collapses
everything else
- Learning tasks now being links (you can ctrl-click them)
- The previous/next buttons and sessions dropdown are now links (you can now
use [Link Hints] and ctrl-click to open them)
- News feed items can now be opened by simply clicking on their background
- The context menu that only says "Copy" is now suppressed
- The option to remember logins is unchecked by default
- The dashboard tab in a user's profile no longer points you to #dsb
[Link Hints]: https://lydell.github.io/LinkHints/