
84 lines
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# [](
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### Plugins
- Installed [hexo-yam]( (author) to pre-compress static assets (html, css, js and svg).
- Installed [hexo-nofollow]( for SEO purpose to prevent search engines from following external links.
- [copy-button.js](/themes/chameleon/scripts/copy-button.js) - A [filter]( plugin to add a copy button to each code block.
- [feed](/themes/chameleon/scripts/feed) - A generator plugin to generate [an RSS feed]( Adapted from [hexo-generator-feed]( for simpler use case.
- [heading-link.js](/themes/chameleon/scripts/heading-link.js) - A filter plugin to add a link button next to each heading.
- [image.js](/scripts/image.js) - A [tag]( plugin to easily embed images in a post with responsive image support.
- [link.js](/themes/chameleon/scripts/link.js) - A [helper]( plugin to add a link. Modified from [link_to.js]( to remove title attribute and 'external' option.
- [openGraph](/themes/chameleon/scripts/openGraph.js) - A helper plugin to add [Open Graph]( tags. Modified from [open_graph.js]( to use additional [Open Graph]( tags and [WHATWG URL API](
- [sitemap](/scripts/sitemap) - A [generator]( plugin to generate [a sitemap]( Modified from [hexo-generator-sitemap]( with this [patch]( to include tags/categories and [remove]( [index.html]( from the URL.
## Changes
The following are the major changes I made compared to the upstream.
### [Hexo]( site
- Updated [.gitlab-ci.yml](.gitlab-ci.yml) to use the latest version of [Node.js]( in Alpine docker image.
- [All packages](package.json) are installed from their respective master branch, instead of npm published version.
- Removed unused packages, [hexo-generator-category]( and [hexo-renderer-stylus]( from the [default packages](
- Replaced the bundled Landscape theme with Typing theme.
- Add `lastUpdated` to the front-matter to manually set updated time of a post, instead of using `post.updated`.
- This is no longer necessary, thanks to [`updated_option`]( feature.
### [Chameleon theme](/themes/chameleon)
Chameleon is a fork of [Typing]( theme, rewrote from scratch with the following changes/features:
- [sanitize.css]( and [autoprefixer]( for consistent cross-browser styling.
- Utilise [relative length]( instead of absolute length in the css.
- [`prefers-color-scheme`]( to apply light/dark theme according to the OS preference.
- Add a [Copy]( button to each code block.
- Removed jQuery, fancyBox, web analytics, comment plugins, donation links and [typo.css](
- Homepage shows recent posts and tags.
## Installation
Refer to [this post]( for more detailed instruction.
## License
Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Ming Di Leom
The content of this blog is licensed under a [CC BY-SA 4.0]( license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under an [MIT license](, unless indicated otherwise.
## Website Mirrors
- https://xw226dvxac7jzcpsf4xb64r4epr6o5hgn46dxlqk7gnjptakik6xnzqd.onion/
- http://mdleom.i2p/ ([address helper](http://mdleom.i2p/?i2paddresshelper=-NjUAy6H3wkgRfB3rBwGrpS56L2P~RHRDnD8HnRV1mLSKFdbzxHTMsGLo-mdgGq360Kni2Ec0qhRzm-IUc8X4Y0Ug1eYvcEp2ubXwLe5JJg7yZJOdGxqdy5y5VbdHfIuUe2ooG3MNA4v6b4pGk7pUQ7hnTkUi0EObD~79ik4AY-vSsxIFrc8kJxtbRMCQ3NQRhAuvS1A14rSVk0wv50YwKS23y~FUIQWyG8ZpjTVYu50n~oBnJtVKSAHbCMWRcnJx6iGFsbTRh4ZsRtDh0drwfeRkvaQQqQmf6nZOc4-GLxZ0RT5QlS5gdPXL4V7eaIETbNJAIeYr2NzcpwVHs~zp93Ga-p7dlH3TsJX5gJSyqJWCc64vvmkxf7Vseh3uGaa4xqiLjTH5XsOyFQLp5D6myt-yH7ggReZbs70NKqG1Mj5iRLhIC3Q~pJ6LkPnMBJN6QeLNYNWcOPXkMzRfsavvH2l3yxdpkn41BLM2-7bBUdJNXfu4OhGAR22O0gFngjUBQAEAAcAAA==&update=true))
- http://ggucqf2jmtfxcw7us5sts3x7u2qljseocfzlhzebfpihkyvhcqfa.b32.i2p/
## Repository Mirrors
## Uptime Status
Useful links:
- [Hexo Docs](
- [GitLab Pages](