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Forked from GitLab's Hexo example with Typing theme.


Refer to this post for more detailed instruction.


The following are the major changes I made compared to the upstream.

Hexo site

Typing theme

  • Homepage shows index of posts (same as /archives).
  • Use the latest version of clipboard.js and Fork Awesome (disabled by default).
  • Remove jQuery, fancyBox, web analytics, comment plugins and donation links.
  • Use more relative length, instead of absolute length in the css.
  • Add a "Copy" button to each code block.


  • Installed hexo-nofollow for SEO purpose to prevent search engines from following external links.
  • Installed hexo-yam to pre-compress static assets (html, css, js and svg).


The content of this blog is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license, unless indicated otherwise.

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