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title: Firefox, Cross-Origin and AliExpress
date: 2019-02-28
lastUpdated: 2019-04-29
- firefox
AliExpress login doesn't show up on Firefox when there is a strict cross-origin policy (i.e. `network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy`). Here's how to whitelist it.
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## Background
> Click [**here**](#My-Orders) to go straight to the workarounds.
Firefox can restrict the referrer to the same origin only ([docs](, by setting `network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy` value to 2 in `about:config`. Initially, I figured this would break many websites. But to my surprise, I have yet to encounter any issue; well, *except* for AliExpress.
When you try to login to AliExpress, the login box is just blank.
{% cloudinary 20190228/no-login.png %}
In the new design, the loading wheel just keeps spinning.
{% cloudinary 20190228/invalid-login.png %}
<br />
{% cloudinary v1556526937/20190228/invalid-login-ani.webp %}
Upon inspection on the blank element (right click on the blank login and select `Inspect Element`), the login box is an iframe of ``. From the Web Console (`Ctrl + Shift + K`), the following error message suggested it's caused by [X-Frame-Options](
{% cloudinary 20190228/iframe.png %}
<br />
{% cloudinary 20190228/x-frame.png %}
From the Network inspection (`Ctrl + Shift + E`), `` has HTTP header `x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN` (which I believe stems from the `XOriginPolicy` setting). This restricts the iframe to the same domain. This caused the iframe unable to load because it's different from the login page ``.
{% cloudinary 20190228/sameorigin.png %}
**Edit:** After pinpoint the issue to `XOriginPolicy`, I suspect AliExpress sends the referrer from `login` to `passport` for tracking purpose, and somehow `passport` could not be loaded if it does not receive any referrer. There are a few options to resolve this.
## My Orders
To use the old login page, mouse-over on the **Account** link at the top right corner and click on **My Orders**. It should redirects to ``
{% cloudinary 20190228/my-orders.png %}
<br />
{% cloudinary v1556526936/20190228/my-orders-ani.webp %}
## Reset XOriginPolicy
1. Go to [about:config](about:config).
2. Search for `network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy`.
3. Right click and select `Reset`.
## "Ignore X-Frame-Options" extension
[**Ignore X-Frame-Options**]( Firefox extension is a way to whitelist the domain from the restriction. By default, the extension whitelist all domains. This is highly discouraged because it nullifies the security benefits of x-frame-options (e.g. prevent a banking website from being iframe-d inside a phishing website). Instead, we can whitelist the login page only.
{% cloudinary 20190228/whitelist.png %}
That's how the whitelist works on the extension; you add the domain of the iframe not the page's domain. After you add it to the list, refresh the page and you should see the login.
{% cloudinary 20190228/login.png %}
## Direct link
If none of the above work, the last resort is to use the direct link